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About us.

Matan Arewan Sosai Initiative (MASI) tap into the place of women as the backbone of rural economies in Africa and the care-takers of their families and households. It work to increase the capacity and drive of women to take on new and challenging roles especially in the energy sector and at higher levels, coupled with the zeal to perform satisfactorily.

Our Vision.

To have women who are successful Renewable Energy entrepreneur in every community of Northern Nigeria.

Our Mission.

Strengthening the capacity of women in Northern Nigeria on the production, sales, services, installation and use of Renewable Energy products to enhance their livelihood.

Our Impact.

We’ve distributed over 75,000 improved cook stoves and solar lamps in Northern Nigeria. Over 500,000 lives and 200 communities has been impacted through the distribution of our products.

The MASI Project.

Matan Arewan SOSAI Inintiative (MASI)

There is the adage that says “when you train a woman, you train a nation”, this is explained by cases which show that women, instinctively, opt to invest their earnings in the growth and development of their children. For example, a woman who understands the value of a good education especially for the girl child, having learned from her own experiences. She ensures her children eat well and can study at any time of the day; this makes her appreciate on a different level, the importance of energy access. For this reason, women should be empowered and engaged to spearhead the much needed transformation of the energy sector, in Nigeria and globally.

The Matan Arewan Sosai Initiative (MASI) tap into the place of women as the backbone of rural economies in Africa and the care-takers of their families and households. It work to increase the capacity and drive of women to take on new and challenging roles especially in the energy sector and at higher levels, coupled with the zeal to perform satisfactorily.

To empower them to contribute their quota to support their families with the expected income increase and ensure progress towards the internationally agreed development goals.

The project is empowering women in selected 10 wards of Kaduna State, and has gradually grown into other wards and other northern states in Nigeria like Adamawa, Gombe, and Taraba.

Our Services.

Solar Dryers

Solar dryers are devices that use solar energy to dry substances, especially food, vegetable and fruits as against the traditional methods of food drying, spreading the foodstuffs in the sun and in the open air.

Solar RE

Solar energy is the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy source available for a variety of uses, including generating electricity, providing light or a comfortable interior environment, and more.

Women Empowerment

Women face the largest burden of not having access to modern energy. Energy access is, therefore, a powerful lever for the economic and social empowerment of women and, when that energy comes from renewable sources…

Meet The Team.

Passionate and dedicated team members

Our Gallery.

Our News.

Our Patners
Solar Dryers Installed
Women Empowered
Communities Reached in Kaduna State

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